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Clinical Neuromuscular Therapy:

This is a specific and detailed hands on therapy that address and identifies the causes of soft tissue pain and dysfunction. NMT can release muscle spasms, eliminate trigger points causing referred pain symptoms, increase joint movement and flexibility and promote good better body mechanics.


Manual Lymphatic Drainage:

The Lymphatic system is a waste disposal system, it doesnt sound glamorous but it plays a key role in your body. MLD helps balance the fluid in the tissues. It is recommended to detoxify, boost the immune system, balalnce hormones and relieve fluid congestion.It is very relaxing and can help you sleep better. It feels like pampering - with a purpose.


Biodynamic Craniosacral Touch/Stillness Touch:

Stillness Touch supports health in the whole body. It is a profound and powerful touch therapy that supports the body to self-repair and can make dramatic improvements to our wellbeing. A gentle, non-invasive and safe hands-on treatment for the whole body.  No outside forces of any kind are applied to the body.

One of the first things that you will notice is you start to relax, usually lasting throughout the whole session. This is the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems self-regulating. This state engages the natural self-repair mechanisms and provides space to heal, unravel, rewire and regenerate. Stillness Touch sessions can lead to profound states of consciousness, trauma and emotional release and mental and physical integration.

It is suitable for people of all ages, including babies, children and the elderly


Fascial Fitness:

The response of the fascial system to training and to injury is an exciting and relatively new fieldWhen you train the body, the muscles respond, but the fascia responds also - becoming stronger, more elastic, more communicative, more stretchy, and generally more capable. If training proceeds too fast, too hard, or without variation, then the fascial response can be injury, adhesion, and lack of versatility. New findings are showing that different people have differing physiological traits to their fascia, and this may require training modification depending on your client's fascial type.

Specialised treatment available in Whangarei





Having suffered a serious quad bike injury in 2007 and with a series of efforts by other practitioners to alleviate ongoing muscular and ligament pain, I finally found Claire. The results from her treatments have been no less than remarkable in terms of my bodies rehabilitations, as before I felt I was going nowhere. I am relatively free from the constant pain I was suffering and I will continue to use and recommend Claire.



Born with an abnormality to my lumbar spine, I have had discomfort in my back ever since I can remember; more noticeable since I started a career in cabinetmaking during my teenage years and noticed a kyphosis on my spine.

By the time I reached my 30’s osteoarthritis had developed in my joints and a scoliosis on my spine. I experienced pain predominantly in the back, shoulder and neck which over time has become more constant and severe.

As an adventurer I have always been very active in outdoor pursuits. About 8 years ago I’ve been held back by my affliction; affecting my ability to work full time.

Eighteen months ago I started regular appointments with Claire, the results have been amazing. From the first visit with her I had a visible improvement to my posture and after several visits; pain in my back, neck and shoulder had notably eased. With her extensive knowledge she has advised me on techniques to improve my stance while walking, sitting and working. The flexibility I have gained has allowed beneficial exercises such as pilates to strengthen my body for better back support.

I’ve had treatments from other specialists such as Osteopaths and Acupuncturists with good results.  However with Claire and the exercises she recommended my quality of life has been improved long term. 

Myofascial Release:

Proper body structure means your bones are properly aligned and your muscles, joints and ligaments are working in sync. Vital organs are in the right place and functioning at peak efficiency. Good body alignment also aids in the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Find relief from chronic muscle tension due to physical or emotional trauma.​ Gain more efficiency and fluidity in movement and increase energy levels. It helps

muscles and joints  find correct alignment to move properly. Helps decrease the abnormal wearing of joint surfaces. Prevents the body from becoming fixed in abnormal positions..

Better posture contributes to a good appearance.


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